Add-ons of Federal Frontier Kubernetes Platform (FKP)

Frontier Add-ons User Guide

Explore Our Add-ons

Explore these powerful add-ons within FKP to enhance your tool’s capabilities and experience. Click on the links above to learn more about each addon and start optimizing your operations.

Container Network Interfaces (CNI)

  • FKP CNI plug-in available options to configure Kubernetes network resources.

Container Storage Interfaces (CSI)

  • FKP CSI available options to configure Kubernetes arbitrary block and file storage systems.


  • FKP ingress available options to provide routing rules to manage external users’ access to the services in a Kubernetes cluster.

Service Load Balancer

  • FKP service load balancer available options to help distribute network traffic upon multiple backend services.


  • Uses artificial intelligence to help troubleshoot and diagnose clusters.
  • Scans for security issues within your clusters.


  • Gain insights into your Kubernetes cluster costs.
  • Allocate costs to clusters.
  • Optimize resource utilization and budget effectively.


  • Enhance the reliability and security of microservices.
  • Simplify communication and monitoring between services.
  • Zero-configuration deployment and active community support.


  • Efficiently collect, store, and query log data.
  • Cost-effective log storage with label-based indexing.
  • Seamless integration with Grafana for visualization.


  • Monitor and analyze metrics from systems and services.
  • Use the powerful PromQL query language for data analysis.
  • Scalable and flexible for diverse monitoring needs.