Available Service Load Balancers of Federal Frontier Kubernetes Platform (FKP)

Service Load Balancers on Frontier managed workload clusters

Load balancers help distribute network traffic upon multiple backend services within a Kubernetes cluster. This option will already be pre-configured pending on the infrastructure provider chosen to deploy FKP workload clusters on. The only configurable option available for Service Load Balancers will be on the infrastructure provider Metal-as-a-Service (MAAS).



Supported System Requirements

  • CPU: x86-64 and arm64 processors
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Operating Systems:
    • Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04
    • RHEL
    • CentOS

Supported Kubernetes Distributions

  • RKE2
  • K3s
  • MicroK8s

MetalLB and Ingress-NGINX Implementation Diagram

MetalLB and Ingress-NGINX Implementation Diagram

MetalLB can run on a FKP MAAS Kubernetes cluster providing a network load balancer implementation on a cluster that does not run on a cloud service provider (CSP). The figure above demonstrates a diagram over the implemenation of MetalLB being used with Ingress-NGINX for back-end services. Configuration for Ingress-NGINX on MAAS rely on MetalLB’s IPAddressPool and L2Advertisement instance. To see how to integrate MetalLB into your Kubernetes clusters, visit these guides below: