XtremeCloud Business Process Management

Version 4.0

XtremeCloud Business Process Management and the Monolith - click image to enlarge

Enterprise applications require enterprise class security implementations. At the same time, the security system, the system in which you define users, roles, groups and their respective authentication and authorization configurations, needs to be easily accessible and easy to use. With our cloud-native XtremeCloud SSO product, we believe your workload will be significantly reduced.

XtremeCloud Business Process Management (BPM) can easily be configured to connect to our enterprise LDAP system, XtremeCloud Data Grid-ldap..

XtremeCloud Business Process Management (BPM) comes integrated with XtremeCloud Single Sign-On (SSO), which enables you to secure your web applications by providing web-based single sign-on (SSO) capabilities based on popular standards such as SAML 2.0, OpenID Connect (OIDC), and OAuth 2.0. This allows you to, among other things, secure the XtremeCloud Business Process Management (BPM) web consoles, the REST endpoints to interact with the platform, and the access to the git repository.

We’ll be announcing additional details on this product as it approaches General Availability (GA) in calendar year 2020.

XtremeCloud Business Process Management Console - click image to enlarge

At this point, we’re going to take one of the Cloud Service Providers (CSP) off-line due to technical issues.

By pressing the Take offline button, you will take the backup site offline.